We’re just days away from March and I’m reflecting on the last two months to make sure I’m on track to successfully accomplishing my goals this year. You should be doing the same. Yes, you. Remember those plans you made, the visual reminders you created on your vision boards? Yes, those goals. I think this is a great time to start keeping track of your progress. It’s unrealistic to think that we would have all of our goals knocked out before the end of the first quarter of the year , but making sure we’re in alignment is key.
If you need help staying on track or measuring your monthly or weekly progress I would suggest enlisting an accountability partner. This is a person you can discuss your goals with and will help you identify the best ways to tackle these goals. They also keep you on track, which is super important. An accountability partner also offers you encouragement and support along this journey. I’m going to take you back almost five years ago where I had two accountability partners and how they helped increased my chances of success weekly.
I was living in Rochester, NY. It was my second TV job and I wanted more out of my career, personal life and this blog grind. So a couple of girlfriends and I established what we called “Accountability Sunday.” Each week we called each other on three way to discuss our goals and where we were in accomplishing them. Here are four reasons why “Accountability Sunday” and my accountability partners upgraded my life.
They Help Evaluate Your Goals
Each Sunday we reflected on our past week and shared our goals for the upcoming week. When Sunday rolled around again, we asked each other if we accomplished our goals or made major strides in getting them achieved. Each person would share and we would remind each other of the goals they set the week before.
This helped me because each week I was able to measure the progress of my goals. How well it was going. It showed me what worked and what I needed to do differently for better results.
Excuses Won’t Fly Here
It was hard to find excuses for not getting things done with these women. They were not here for the foolishness. They also pushed me and poured the word of God into me. This was invaluable.
This pushed me to follow through with the goals I set for that week and make tangible efforts to get it done.
They Keep You On Track
The weekly phone calls helped me stay on my toes and stay focus on everything I sought out for the week. I was also surrounded by women who were working to advance their life and to witness that only pushed me harder. It was a constant reminder of why and how I could stay on top of my goals.
They Offer Encouragement and Support
Accountability Sunday was also great place to celebrate wins. I was with women who shared in my success. This was also a safe space, so if you didn’t nail your target, there were no disapproval sighs or reprimanding. We just prayed that God would intervene in that area of your life and help you in a way we couldn’t.
Accountability Sunday is working for me solo and it worked with my sister circle, but I’m thinking about enlisting another accountability partner as I dive deeper in life.
Sometimes it’s crazy intimidating to set these massive goals and then by March you’re down and out because you’re not on track to getting things done.
How are you crushing goals this year? Tell me in the comments.
Living Out Loud,