(Image Source: The Edit)
I desperately need to organize my closet. It’s become the ban of my existence. Bringing order to that space is the top of my to do list, but just thinking of the work that lies ahead is bit overwhelming. Let’s take on the messy monster and organize our closets.
Start from Scratch
Sounds scary but remove everything from your closet before you begin reorganizing anything. This will help you determine how much space you have to get your closet organized.
Now Clean
Once everything is out of your closet clean it from top to bottom. Throw out that broken hanger and the old shopping bags. Make sure you pick up all the lose paper and receipts that are lying on your closet floor.
Take Inventory and Get Rid of Old Clothes
Pack up everything you don’t need and don’t wear and donate the items to a local charity. Getting rid of clothes or shoes you don’t wear will free up more space in your closet. I know it can be tough parting ways with what was once your favorite party dress, but if you were wearing the dress before Bey and Jay were married, just donate it!
Create Sections
(Image Source: closetfactory.com)
Place all your jeans in one space, your dresses and sweaters in another. This will help you quickly locate your favorite pair of jeans or that skirt you once loved, but couldn’t find because it was buried underneath a pile of sweaters.
Color Coordinate Each Section
(Image Source: Timeless Memories Photography for Nicole Norris )
Take it a step further and color coordinate each section. Place all your dark denim together, your lights together and continue this throughout your closet. I tried this before and it simplified my getting dressed process. Plus, it makes your closet look great.
(Image Source: mihome )
Sweeties, if you’re short on space add storage boxes to store things like your purses, scarves, and hats. Storage containers helps you maximize your space.
Make It A Routine
(Image Source: thecoveteur.com)
After you put in the work and get your closet organized the last thing you would want is for it to become a disaster again. To prevent this make sure designate 15 minutes a day to putting things back in its proper place. I know it’s easier said than done , but try. Who wants to stat all over again? Sweeties, how many of you are struggling with a cluttered closet?
Here are a few items to help you get organized:

IKEA also has great budget friendly storage solutions. I love walking through there and looking at all the closet ideas. I really need to come up with better storage for my shoes. I really wish I had the room for a really nice rack. I hate the over the door things.
I’ve never been to Ikea and I can’t believe it either. I browse the site a lot , but never made a purchase.