2020 has been a wild ride. The kind of ride at the county fair that hasn’t been inspected and now I want my money back. From the pandemic to the protests against police brutality, it’s been emotionally exhausting. But this year hasn’t been all about frustration and loss. I gained a few lessons and learned five things about my life in the process.
My Home Is My Safe Space:

From March through May the country was on lock down. The only time I left my home was for essential tasks, like work and trips to the grocery store. So , that meant I spent a lot of time at home. I’m talking about a lot of time. I spent those months sprucing up my space, specifically my bedroom. I wanted my bedroom to be comfortable and cute. I needed a space I loved spending time in everyday. Over the past few months I’ve bought two rugs, nightstands, a mirror and two blankets. I also bought a new lamp! Last week I came home early after a very busy day. My anxiety and nerves were on overdrive. I pulled back the sheets, laid in the my bed, and the calm that came over me was indescribable. I could have been exhausted, but I believe it was because I felt safe and secure in my space.
People Aren’t So Bad:

I’ve moved three times in five years and making friends as an adult isn’t easy. So, I’m used to doing things on my own and I’m typically cool with that, BUT these last few months have shown me being alone can’t be a long term deal for me. I need human interaction. I need to get out for lunch with a friend, grab coffee with a girlfriend , and I most certainly need date night with the boo! I wasn’t able to make it date night with BF , but I did grab lunch with my friend. About two weeks ago me and girlfriend grabbed vegan burgers, ate lunch in separate cars, and laughed until we went home.
Enjoy The Little Things:
Seize the opportunity, take in the moment, and enjoy the little things in life. More than ever I’m appreciating all things in my life, big and small. This pandemic and the stay at home efforts really have me missing things I enjoyed in life and highlight things I really took for granted. When the world heals and the doors are safe to open I refuse to take things for granted. I’m sure I’m going to commit to every dinner invite for at least a month.
Pivot Adjust Move:
This pandemic has showed me how to switch gears to get the same desired results. For example, I had a consistent photographer that I worked with to help me develop content for my blog. But the shutdown and social distancing requirements initially made it tough for us to work together to shoot content. The problem- I still needed content. Blog posts needed to be made and Instagram pics needed to be shared. So, I had to pivot and make a few adjustments on how I gather content. I ordered a new tripod , lights, remote and figured out how to shoot my own content. I took it back to my original blogging days. I’m used to changing priorities and shifting gears in my career, but I had a routine with blogging. The pandemic forced me to shake things up and taught me how to quickly find solutions to get the job done.
I Like A Challenge:
Since May I’ve been taking on all of Mattie James’s challenges. First it was the Instagram consistency challenge. You were required to post everyday to your Instagram feed at least once a day. Now it’s a blogging challenge. For the month of July I’m being challenged to post on Ooh La La everyday. I took on the challenge head on and I’m posting content I’m proud of! Wow. Why did this challenge push me? I needed to reinvest in my personal brand and do the work to gain the results I desired.

2020 definitely brought on some hurtful and stressful moments over the last seven months, but it also brought some life lessons and now daily reminders to go after everything I want in life! What has 2020 taught you? What have you learned during the pandemic and time in quarantine?
Outfit Details:
Heels: Asos- sold out, Similar Here
Live Laugh Love