It’s crazy, but I’m still getting disapproval stares from people who find out I blog. For goodness sake, its’s 2020 and blogging is still a thing. Everyday, people take to the web seeking to get questions answered by real people. And that’s really how I started blogging nearly a decade ago.
My Story:
People were consistently asking me to put together a look to wear to parties, concert and festivals. Friends were also asking about celebrity fashion. So, I started blogging and I focused on celebrity fashion and how to get their looks for less.
After three years, I switched gears. Celebrity fashion was hard. The demand was tough to keep up with. I wasn’t friends with celebrities or celebrity stylists. Keeping up felt overwhelming.
After pressing pause on that niche, I had to really think about what I wanted to do. Should I continue blogging and if so, what would I focus on? After a brief hiatus and lots of brainstorming, I decided I would blog about my life. It’s a subject I knew very well. But would readers be interested in ME? There was doubt. But I pressed forward and I’m so glad I did.
What They Don’t Tell You About Blogging:
All the blogging experts say to find success in the digital world requires consistency and consistency will require your time. Blogging takes time. Initially, I considered blogging as my part time job and dedicated many hours into my site. After switching niches, moving, and starting new jobs I really let the blog go and didn’t dedicate as much time to it. I no longer treated it like a part time job, or even a hobby. It was more like, I’ll get to it when I get to it. But this summer there’s been new energy, new life, a resurgence and I’m all in! I’m ready to commit the time needed to find success through blogging and I believe it’s possible!
Blogging is not cheap. I quickly learned this when launching my site almost a decade ago. I’m paying for hosting, domain names, I even paid for a theme developer. Some of these charges are annual. Just this week I paid for additional security on my site so readers would feel secure and to also show I’m serious about Ooh La La.
Let’s not forget the FASHIONS! I’ve bought so man clothes for photoshoots. Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping so it’s not all that bad, but things ADD UP, quickly! I also invested in blogging equipment. I’ve bought two cameras, several tripods, two Mac Book Pros, and Video Editing Software. It’s expensive and this is something I did not know before I started blogging.
Finding your Voice Can Be Hard:
When it comes to writing and telling my story I initially found it difficult to really find my voice. Finding your voice sounds easy , because, well, it’s YOUR voice. But I struggled. What should I write about? What would readers find interesting? I also struggled with sharing too much and now sharing enough about my personal life. I had to find the balance of blogging about my life while sharing just enough. I decided I would share the things I wouldn’t mind my grandma reading. Fortunately, my grandma is fascinated with Pop Culture, so I can comfortably talk about a range of topics with her.
What Blogging Taught Me:
Embrace Your Journey:
It’s so easy to look at other bloggers who have been around as long as I have and get so discouraged about my growth. But I’ve learned on this journey that comparison will kill your joy. If I’m always looking at the next person how can I appreciate my own growth? There’s no cookie cutter approach to blogging. Everybody’s journey is different and that’s what makes your story so special. It’s also taught me how to appreciate my journey and that can apply in my everyday life with my career.
The joy is really in the journey. I know it’s hard for me to see it right now because I’m in the thick of it! I’m trusting that once I make it to my destination I will look back at these crazy moments and be thankful for these days.
You Can Commit:
When I think about it, I’ve been committed to blogging at Ooh La La for 10 years. That’s longer than I’ve held each of my jobs. It’s longer than any of my romantic relationships. I surprised myself that I stayed committed to this blogging journey for so long.As you’ve read, this journey is costly. This journey is frustrating and exhausting, especially when you’re not getting the results you want. Despite it all I’m still showing up for the people who have been reading the blog since the beginning. I’m also showing up for myself and it feels GOOD!
You Don’t Mind Learning:
Blogging doesn’t look like It did 10 years ago. The blogging landscape also changed five years ago, and things are still evolving now. I’m constantly learning. From editing videos, to editing pictures and social media strategies, my digital media skills are expanding. Sticking with this journey has helped me stay abreast to the ever changing multimedia field and that’s helped me in my journalism career.
Blogging has been a journey and I’m not done yet. I would love to know what you’ve learned through blogging? What do you wish you would have known about blogging before you started? Let’s chat in the comments.
Live Laugh Love

Such a great blog! Thank you so much for sharing. This resonated with me so much and motivated me to keep going. Consistency is key! Thanks so much
Thanks for reading Ashley!!! I’m learning about being consistent through fellow blogger Mattie James. Blogging isn’t as easy as people made it seem to be. I’m down for the ride, though!