As January is nearing an end I’ve declared, 2016 will be my best year yet! Why? Because I said so. Pretty simple, right? At 31.5 years old I’m finally becoming sure of myself, proud of my choices, and beyond excited about my future.
I wrapped up 2015 with several awesome experiences. I was even offered a PAID speaking gig *breaks out and shout*. I left my very cushy and comfortable TV gig , for another more challenging one. I’m blogging more. Not as much as I like, but I’ll improve.
2016 will be a success, full of new experiences, and some life improvements. Yes, there are things I must improve. Well, there are many things, but I’m open to making the changes. Here’s the thing though– I refuse to beat myself up if the changes don’t happen over night!
Once upon a time, the old Jamiese would actually fuss at herself (don’t worry I talk to myself all the time) because she was still doing that thing she said she wouldn’t do anymore.
No more of that, just conscious efforts to make myself the person I always hoped I could be. Because at the end of the day I’m still growing. Who’s also declaring 2016 as their best year yet?
Add this look to your closest:
P.S. The dress is on sale for $8