Let me channel my inner Beyonce while I scream, “Cause we like to party, ay!” This weekend some of my favorite things came together and it made for an amazing night. My coworkers and fellow journalists celebrated my promotion at what’s become our annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. There were tons of laughs, plenty of wine poured, and of course we posed for pics like it was prom night.
The dress code called for Ugly Sweaters, but my sweater is somewhere packed away and I refused to spend $25 on a sweater I would wear for every bit of two hours. Last year I picked up three sweaters for $15 from my local thrift store, but ugly sweaters are in and the prices jumped with the trend.
Instead of a sweater I kept the Christmas theme in mind and went with green and red striped tights and a fun elf hat. Festive, right. I was serving sexy elf. But I so wished I didn’t pack my sweater.
Sweater woes aside, the party was AMAZING!
I walked in the door and everyone yelled good luck in beautiful harmony. Well, not quite beautiful harmony, but it was surely a great gesture.
Take a look at a few more pics from the night.
There’s a complete album on my Facebook page. Check it out HERE.