It’s been a while since we’ve done a ” Real or Steal” post, but when I saw the Privileged Sydney booties, I immediately thought of the Nicholas Kirkwood sandals. The two look very similar, but one of these shoes cost nearly12-hundred dollars, while the other is only $49 dollars. Both shoes feature a lace upper, a criss-cross suede pattern, and shoe laces. So, which is the REAL, and which is the STEAL?
The shoe, on the right is the Nicholas Kirkwood sandal. The sandal, retails for $1,195.00 The sandals features suede laces, an exposed platform, and a floral metallic lace pattern.
It’s available at Neiman Marcus.
The bootie on the left, is the STEAL. The Privileged Sydney nude ” Lacy” lace up stilettos retail for $49.00 dollars. It also features a lace design and laces. This bootie has an exposed platform. It’s available at LuLus