If you’re looking for one- of-a kind pieces to spice up any look, Ayofemi’s feather earring collection is a great place to start.
I was introduced to this fabulous jewelry line, on Facebook a couple of days ago, and was in awe with what I saw. Designer Zakilya Ayofemi Cooper, is giving us a WOW factor, packed into a pair of earrings.
Ayofemi’s line of feather earrings are compromised of feathers, long chains , fashioned with big gems, dangling elements, and decorated with embellishments.
The price ranges from $15 to $27, but these are the only the introductory prices, so get them NOW!
You can get your hands on Ayofemi’s feather earring collection HERE.
Connect with Ayofemi Design Studio on FACEBOOK and follow her on TWITTER .