Unique style combined with a key concentration for rarity are two factors that stand out on this New Jersey native. From t-shirt, fitted cap, and a pair of Air Jordans one day to a fedora hat, CDG cardigan and Gucci rain boots the next; Spencer Harvey sense of style ranges in depth. He eliminates chicness that is usually defined through high-end fashion and haute couture, and for that reason Ooh La La chose him as our Friday Fly Philosophy feature.
Twenty-five year old Tuskegee chemical engineer graduate and active army occupant, Spencer Harvey can be spotted shopping at WishAtl, UBIQ, and Barneys. His web browser history may contain exclusive sites like haven.ca, oki-ni.com, and even EBAY for that matter. Harvey says “Gotta be diverse change up every once in a while”. This explains why his clothing attire varies from names like Levi’s, Comme Des Garcons, Gucci, to Nike, Original Fake, Undftd, Supreme NYC, Stussy, etc. He also loves sunglasses naming Prada and Oliver Peoples as his favorite.
Harvey prides himself as a prominent dresser adorning a tailored fit and avoiding baggy clothes. This one to one type of guy says “If somebody else has it, I dont want it”. Hence, all the items he own are collaboration pieces and/or not made in masses. He absolutely hate when people follow trends and encourage others to do the same by saying “Be yourself homie and don’t follow the crowd”. Well from one fashion connoisseur to the next Ooh La La tips our hat to you.
To see just how fly Harvey is

OK Spencer, you’re looking good, BUT you got to get rid of the NY hat and get a Philly or Eagles and maybe a Sixers’ one. Hang with the home team.
That boy is looking good. Good feature.
You are looking good. Watch out for the honnies. We love ya.