Savvy Shoppers rejoice! We can now grab our H&M must haves ONLINE (*Insert school girl squeal*)! This might be the best news I got all week. Let me explain. The closest H&M to me is four hours away in Atlanta,so shopping online will be a life saver. The last time H&M was down the street from me was six years ago when I was a graduate student at Syracuse University. Believe it or not, I still own a few pieces I purchased from the store back in 2006 and 2007. Yes, H&M has been helping me create great fashion moments for years and I ready to continue via the online store. I’m not wasting time either, check out what’s already in my shopping bag.
Sweeties, what’s in your shopping bag?
P.S. For all my plus-size fashion mavens H&M’s online store will offer sizes up to a 24.
Happy shopping!