Are you surviving this winter? Barely.
I’m so over winter! It’s like the guy you gave your number to in the club just to get him out of your face and now he won’t go away. Ugh. I wish this knee deep snow and subzero temps would please go away. Just when I was telling everyone this winter wasn’t as bad as last year, Mother Nature reared her ugly head. This month is going down as the coldest February in the city’s history.
Here’s the thing. I just want to wear sexy sandals, flirty frocks, and bask in the sun. But this weather won’t let me great. And the toughest part of it all, my job kinda requires me to be smack dab in the middle of this brutally cold weather. I can’t chase stories from behind a desk (a girl can dream, right?). Since I’m always finding myself running around in single digit temps or in the center of a snow storm, getting dressed has become very creative and time consuming.
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I wear about three pairs of fleece lined tights underneath my pants. Up top, it’s usually a tank and a long-sleeve thermal shirt. I double up on my wool socks and of course, my hat, scarf, and gloves are near by.
How exhausting? I get dressed like I’m going to war, hence the army fatigue coat. That “Hawk” is no joke so I make it my business to be prepared. It’s me against “Old Man Winter” and so far I’m losing the battle.
Sweeties, how are you staying warm during this cold snap?
Outfit Details
Camo Coat: It’s straight from my mama’s closet, get a similar one HERE and HERE
Faux Fur Coat: Extremely old (like eight years old), but you will love this ONE
Jeans: Wet Seal ( also very old), you can always try these DISTRESSED JEANS
Boots: Sam Edelman (Sold Out), Don’t fret these BOOTIES are also cute
Hat: Snagged from my Daddy’s hat rack , try this cute BLUE BEANIE instead