A couple of days ago, I took to facebook, to rant about my difficulties finding a PROFESSIONAL hair stylist. I stress the word professional because in my search, I’ve ran into hair stylist who are not professional. I need an individual who loves styling and growing hair, an individual who wants to make their client a top priority. I recently ran into this problem when I moved from my hometown, where there is a plethora of AWESOME and PROFESSIONAL stylist.
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My need for a hair stylist rolls over to my career field. I’m a television reporter, and appearance is just as important as being fair and balanced. When I started this job, six months ago I was wearing a sex -in weave. I’ve been wearing sew- in’s since May 2010.
Well, it was time for a re-installment this month. I made a hair appointment with a hair stylist, and after explaining to her that once I remove my current sew-in, I would need a new installment immediately. I told her I didn’t want to leave work Friday, with long and luscious hair, then come back on Monday without any hair. Well folks that’s exactly what happened, she cancelled the appointment two hours before I was suppose to show. I went to work Monday without the hair, EMBARRASSING!
This is how I looked on air, with the weave.
This is what I looked like when I went on air Monday and Tuesday.
Y’all I’m rocking a snatch back , that looks like a straight up mess! You may be asking why I didn’t flat iron it, but since I’ve been wearing the weave, I decided not to relax my hair. So that means I’m going NATURAL. I haven’t relaxed my hair since February 2010. That’s a long time, and the longest I’ve went without a relaxer since I was teenager.
Here’s what my real hair looked like, when I took the sew-in out last weekend. I washed and blow dried my hair.
I know, why I just want wear my real hair out? I will just not this summer. I’m in the sun and humidity everyday, this hair wouldn’t last one day in the Alabama heat!
I did get a few leads on some hair stylist in Dothan, AL , that I’m going to check into. If you know of any, please leave me a message in the comment section.

Thanks so much for the info…will check it out!!!
Hi Ms. Price check out “Guillermina’s Hair Gallery” on facebook next time you’re on there. She specializes in sew-ins. She is in Enterprise,AL and does a great job.